Product Range EZ UPS

It’s easy to play any musical instrument: all you have to do is touch the right key at the right time and the instrument will play itself.


The same should apply to a UPS install. Wheel the UPS into position, connect up and switch on. Test without load banks, view UPS status at a glance and get data at the touch of a button. That’s what the EZ UPS brings you.

EZ UPS. Small footprint in 15 & 30kVA flavours

The EZ UPS is a dream for end users, UPS installers and maintainers alike. Available in 15KVA and 30KVA 3phase in/out the EZ UPS is a single box solution containing internal batteries and occupies minimal floor area. The footprint is only 250x828mm, only 0.21m²! In already crowded computer rooms and data suites this is a clear advantage over other systems.

The unity power factor rating also gives you more bang for your buck. That’s a full 25% more than most competitive systems! These are true 15KW and 30KW rated systems.

For the more technically minded folk, the input power factor is >0.99 for loads over 50% and the input current distortion (THDi) is under 3%. In laymans terms the EZ UPS is kind to the the electricity board and any standby generator system. Generators do NOT like non-sinusoidal loads – that is, those with a high THDi.

Runtime isn’t skimped on either. The dual battery string in the EZ15 gives 5 minutes full load and the triple string in the EZ30 provides 3 minutes at 30KW.

All this with class leading efficiency figures of up to 94.5%! Not only is the efficiency impressive it is also over 93% at loads of 25%. This means that when used in parallel configuration, the efficiency is still high, unlike our competitors who strugle to get above 80%. Plus the fact if you’re willing to go ECO you can get 98.5%!

For industrial applications that rely on US equipment, frequency conversion is also available. Converting a 50Hz input into a 60Hz output. The reverse can also be accomplished.

Fan noise is also reduced as far as practicable with a 3 level fan speed control that operates on load level and heat sink temperature.

Installation & Commissioning

Installation is simple with the only requirement to wire in the input and output terminals. Commissioning couldn’t be simpler. There is no need for a separate load bank, as the commisioning engineer can configure the unit to burn itself in using a super clever system that recycles output power back into the input to confirm the unit is working at full load levels. Not only does this reduce costs (no need to rent a loadbank) and speed up the commissioning process (no need to wire up and remove the loadbank), its a far greener solution as no power is needlessly wasted.

Fed up scrolling through LCD menus?

EZ UPS Touch Screen

Both end users and maintainers will love the 7 inch colour touch screen. The UPS status is simple to see in block diagram format with power flow indicators.

All UPS parameters and functions can be interrogated here:

Fully Featured

One look at the rear panel will tell you this is not a basic UPS System. n+n redundancy can be achieved upto n=4, allowing a fully redundant system upto 90KVA.

A built in dry contact port allows the EZ UPS to be directly connected to a Building Management System (BMS). It provides indications of AC mains failure and battery low condition as well as the ability to shut off the UPS. Two intelligent card slots allow for connection of network cards or more comprehensive relay cards. USB interface port allows UPS monitoring via a connected computer or via RS232 (does anyone actually still use this? Popular in China still apparently).

Emergency Power Off port is also provided, cold start and a UPS event log download port. The EZ UPS can be safely put into bypass by removing the maintenance bypass breaker cover. This will automagically switch the UPS inverter off preventing inadvertent damage.

Further Information

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