Tagged with white paper

Lead Acid Battery Life

Valve Regulated Lead Acid Battery Design Life. Battery Life or “design life” of a battery is based on average use at room temperature (20-25°C) operation. For a modest UPS System, the design life is typically 5 years. Since, UPS applications are standby applications, the batteries are float charged, and the life is also referred to […]

Residual Current Devices (RCD) and Isolated UPS Systems

BS7671:2018 18th Edition Wiring Regulations now makes mandatory RCD protection on circuits up to 32A. Isolation transformers will negate the effectiveness of RCD protection. Is this a problem? Tony Bell explains.

Isolation Transformer. What you need to know

With the upcoming launch of the Power Inspired TX Series. We look at the isolation transformer, when we may need to use it and how we should use this properly.

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